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Limits setzen mit systemd

Wie kann ich Limits für Services setzen, die via systemd gestartet werden? Meine Einstellungen in /etc/security/limits.conf oder /etc/security/limits.d/*.conf werden ignoriert, da diese nur von verwendet werden, was systemd nicht nutzt.

Um die Limit anzupassen muss das systemd unit angepasst werden, z.B. für MySQL:

$ systemctl edit mysql.service
# einfügen und speichern:

# Service neu starten
$ systemctl restart mysql.service

Im systemctl status sieht man jetzt den Override

$ systemctl status mysql.service
● mysql.service - Percona Server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mysql.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/mysql.service.d

Limits für alle Prozesse überschreiben

mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system.conf.d/
cat >/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/10-filelimit.conf <<EOF
systemctl daemon-reload
## ggf. Reboot!


Folgende Limits können überschrieben werden:

           │ Directive        │ ulimit equivalent │ Unit                       │ Notes                                                          │
           │ LimitCPU=        │ ulimit -t         │ Seconds                    │ -                                                              │
           │ LimitFSIZE=      │ ulimit -f         │ Bytes                      │ -                                                              │
           │ LimitDATA=       │ ulimit -d         │ Bytes                      │ Don't use. This limits the allowed address range, not memory   │
           │                  │                   │                            │ use! Defaults to unlimited and should not be lowered. To limit │
           │                  │                   │                            │ memory use, see MemoryMax= in systemd.resource-control(5).     │
           │ LimitSTACK=      │ ulimit -s         │ Bytes                      │ -                                                              │
           │ LimitCORE=       │ ulimit -c         │ Bytes                      │ -                                                              │
           │ LimitRSS=        │ ulimit -m         │ Bytes                      │ Don't use. No effect on Linux.                                 │
           │ LimitNOFILE=     │ ulimit -n         │ Number of File Descriptors │ Don't use. Be careful when raising the soft limit above 1024,  │
           │                  │                   │                            │ since select(2) cannot function with file descriptors above    │
           │                  │                   │                            │ 1023 on Linux. Nowadays, the hard limit defaults to 524288, a  │
           │                  │                   │                            │ very high value compared to historical defaults. Typically     │
           │                  │                   │                            │ applications should increase their soft limit to the hard      │
           │                  │                   │                            │ limit on their own, if they are OK with working with file      │
           │                  │                   │                            │ descriptors above 1023, i.e. do not use select(2). Note that   │
           │                  │                   │                            │ file descriptors are nowadays accounted like any other form of │
           │                  │                   │                            │ memory, thus there should not be any need to lower the hard    │
           │                  │                   │                            │ limit. Use MemoryMax= to control overall service memory use,   │
           │                  │                   │                            │ including file descriptor memory.                              │
           │ LimitAS=         │ ulimit -v         │ Bytes                      │ Don't use. This limits the allowed address range, not memory   │
           │                  │                   │                            │ use! Defaults to unlimited and should not be lowered. To limit │
           │                  │                   │                            │ memory use, see MemoryMax= in systemd.resource-control(5).     │
           │ LimitNPROC=      │ ulimit -u         │ Number of Processes        │ This limit is enforced based on the number of processes        │
           │                  │                   │                            │ belonging to the user. Typically it's better to track          │
           │                  │                   │                            │ processes per service, i.e. use TasksMax=, see                 │
           │                  │                   │                            │ systemd.resource-control(5).                                   │
           │ LimitMEMLOCK=    │ ulimit -l         │ Bytes                      │ -                                                              │
           │ LimitLOCKS=      │ ulimit -x         │ Number of Locks            │ -                                                              │
           │ LimitSIGPENDING= │ ulimit -i         │ Number of Queued Signals   │ -                                                              │
           │ LimitMSGQUEUE=   │ ulimit -q         │ Bytes                      │ -                                                              │
           │ LimitNICE=       │ ulimit -e         │ Nice Level                 │ -                                                              │
           │ LimitRTPRIO=     │ ulimit -r         │ Realtime Priority          │ -                                                              │
           │ LimitRTTIME=     │ ulimit -R         │ Microseconds               │ -                                                              │

Weitere Infos in den manpages

man 5 systemd.exec
man 5 systemd.resource-control